Christian Tattoo Symbols-Historically Favored Symbols

Christian Tattoo Symbols

Christian Tattoo Symbols

Christian Tattoo Symbols Religious or not all sorts of people use the figures and meanings of the Christian faith in tattoos. Some without achieving the religious significance. Christianity is a widespread religion, so it's symbols are widely recognized. People who are Christian may wish to show this with their tattoo; alternatively, their tattoo maybe to remind them of Christian teachings which are essential to them. People who are not religious may still take these lessons from a symbol or figure from the faith.

Christian Tattoo Symbols Popularity

By far the most popular symbol of Christian meaning in tattooing is the cross or crucifix, which of course is the brilliant illustration of the primary doctrine of the faith: the belief that Jesus Christ died by crucifixion for our sins. This thought may remind them to live a life without sin, and the cost paid for such an experience. One may see the symbol of the cross represented in any number of ways by tattoo artists, from the elements of the cross set at right angles to the more sharply angled Celtic cross.

Christian Tattoo Symbols History

Historically speaking, the practice of tattooing crosses on one's body seemingly began with soldiers of the Christian Crusades of the 11th century. Many of the recruits would tattoo small crosses on their hands as a way of indicating that, if they died in battle, they wanted a Christian burial, highlighting the origin of Christian meaning in tattooing. Many representations to illustrate one's faith can be found, and have been worn proudly by believers for many ages.

Christian Tattoo Symbols Significance

Another regularly found tattoo of Christian significance is the. The heart symbol has particular importance as a symbol of the injury Christ received from a spear of a Roman soldier. The Sacred Heart can also serve as a testimonial to the visions of Jesus as acquired by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. According to the handed-down account, this woman saw and heard Jesus as he told her to share the miracles of his love through a commitment to his Sacred Heart. While these are the traditional origins of these symbols, many do not acknowledge the Christian meaning in tattooing today.

Christian Tattoo Symbols Favorites

A favorite tattoo is the depiction of angels. There is an assortment of ways to reproduce an angel, and almost all types of symbols are done on someone as this is a fashionable design. Often a cherubic angel is the chosen tattoo, but people do have tattoos exhibiting more stern and dark Seraphim serving as warriors of God's instructions. Other people may prefer to have a representation of Jesus, Mary or a patron saint while some have holy text or passages written on their body. Whatever image people choose, there are many Christian meanings in tattooing, and they offered for a variety of reasons.

Christian Tattoo Symbols Summary

Although some Christians would see tattooing as cutting the body, which is not acceptable in their faith, others do not take the Old Testament so literally. The other controversy of tattoos is that it modifies the body which Christians believe was created by God. To some this may be an insult to the work of their God and so would be sinful or at least frowned upon by others. Others do not take these matters to literally as various other parts of the bible are written off as no longer relevant to our society, but instead, consider the intent of these actions. Were a tattoo of Jesus placed on the shoulder to remind the Christian to be kinder to others then this could be an acceptable intention.